A Frenchman far afield. A Porsche 928 is his passport. Philippe Delaporte and his sons on their extraordinary travels.

Retracing the route of the old Silk Road to Turkmenistan and back to Paris—and then all around the world: Frenchman Philippe Delaporte took two adventurous trips in his Porsche 928 S4, accompanied in turn by each of his two sons. The extraordinary sports coupe proved itself a durable companion. Whether faced with searing heat in the desert or brutal cold in the Arctic, the only slightly modified Porsche ran like a charm—and drew plenty of attention as well.

Around-the-world trip in a Porsche 928 S4? No problem. Not the only adventurous tour by Frenchman Philippe Delaporte: KURZLINK (Verweis auf Episode 11, Kapitel x)

See all of Episode 11, “Extraordinary,” here: KURZLINK
Buckle up and come along for the ride; all episodes of 9:11 Magazine are available here: KURZLINK (Verweis auf Playlist 9:11 Magazin: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKduzfEGbn-HjD6KfScE6TxoSrhxHTLSr)

