Discover the different features of Voice Pilot with Sabine. After activating the function, you will be able to change the temperature, select music or your next jounrey and much more with just your voice. The Porsche Voice Pilot keeps your hands on the steering wheel for a safer driving experience.

00:04 Intro
00:20 How to activate Voice Pilot
00:43 Setting up the wake up “Hey Porsche”
01:02 Configurating Voice Pilot
01:07 Requirements to use Voice Pilot
01:28 How to use the Push to Talk button
01:49 Differentiation between driver and co-driver
02:09 What Voice Pilot can control
02:19 Data connection
02:33 How to stop Voice Pilot
02:48 Outro

► Learn more about the Macan Electric: https://porsche.click/SpotOn_Macan_YT
► Watch more Spot On videos: https://porsche.click/SpotOn_YT
Macan Turbo (WLTP): Electricity consumption combined: 20.7 – 18.9 kWh/100 km; CO₂ emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO₂ class: A; Status: 03/2025

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