
事業化に向けた開発スピードの加速を目指し、様々な外部パートナーとの協業体制の構築を進めており、2024年3月期には自動運転システム開発を手掛ける株式会社ティアフォー、北米で自動運転サービスを手掛けるGatik AI, Inc.と資本業務提携を結び、事業化に向けた技術・サービスの開発を進めています。

▼TIER Ⅳ × ISUZUスペシャルインタビュー ティアフォー加藤真平氏×いすゞ佐藤浩至

In response to the challenges facing the logistics and transportation, we will launch a truck and bus business in fiscal 2028 that utilizes Level 4 autonomous driving technology by leveraging our well-established strengths in vehicle control technology and our familiarity with how customers use our products. Building on the demonstration tests that we conducted up to the end of our previous medium-term business plan, we will commercialize the business in stages, starting with inter-hub transportation in Japan and the North America and route buses in Japan. Furthermore, we will establish a new specialized organization for business feasibility studies. In the medium term, we plan to expand the organization to include hundreds of members with the aim of achieving rapid commercialization.

With the aim of increasing the pace of development as we move toward commercialization, we have been building collaborative systems with various business partners, and in fiscal 2024 we formed capital and business alliances with TIER IV, INC., which develops autonomous driving systems, and Gatik AI, Inc., which provides autonomous driving services in North America, and are developing technologies and services to be commercialized in the future.

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