From a young age, Simon Abimbola grew up watching his father fish in the Nigerian village of Imobi.
Now he heads out in his small boat every day to his favorite fishing spot.

“I used to only have a paddle and long pole to propel my boat. It would take me four hours to reach my fishing spot.
Now, my Honda outboard gets me there in just an hour.”
Simon catches mostly white fish—tilapia and catfish, the staple in many parts of Africa.
His village thrives on fishing. Villagers smoke fresh fish, the preferred way of preparing it for eating.

“Honda engines are so easy to operate and very durable. Their great fuel economy is also a welcome advantage.
The Honda outboard is a must-have for fishing. Thanks to my Honda outboard, I can stay out and fish longer.
Just recently, I caught 450 fish in one day!” says Simon as he tightly holds onto the fish he just caught with his customary technique.

Simon Abimbola is the breadwinner of a family of seven.
He also enjoys swimming in the river to relax on his days off.


